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About Protect Our Flocks

A Community of Practice

Protect Our Flocks is a community of poultry keepers who keep livestock in our backyards, on our homesteads, or on small farms. Our community welcomes those who keep chickens, waterfowl, turkeys, quail, or any other avian livestock. We are led by mentors who support our members in their collaborative and individual learning. We welcome those who would like to keep up with and exchange the latest information about avian influenza and biosecurity measures. 


Our group uses research-based information and recommendations that align with the latest scientific information. We follow best practices as recommended by the CDC, USDA, our state extension offices, and agricultural universities. We work together to exchange the latest information about avian diseases, with an emphasis on avian influenza, and to develop knowledge on biosecurity measures. Though our current focus is avian influenza, due to the unprecedented rise in cases, we explore virology and biosecurity measures that reduce the spread of many other avian diseases.


Browse our site to learn more. Join our forums to discuss information, ask questions, and exchange experiences. We hope we'll also see you at one of our virtual meetups.

Click below to learn more about the communities of practice learning model. 

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