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Join the discussion as we share new information and our latest understandings. Share new information or perspectives you have related to...

Virginia checking in!

Hello all! I am in the northern Virginia area. We have not had an issue with viral spread to our birds but we do keep ours in a large...


Welcome! We're excited to learn with you. Please tell us where you are, the types of birds you keep, and goals you have for your learning...

Biosecurity Stations

How do you set up your sanitation cleaning stations and practices? (When responding to others, offer input about the strengths you notice...

Prevent the Spread

What is a biosecurity measure you would like to add to your protocol? Considering what you have learned so far, how do you think this...

Biosecurity in the Livestock Area

How do you set up our livestock areas to reduce the chances of infection for your birds? What challenges have you faced in doing so due...

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