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As a community of practice, we agree to use research-based practices and recommendations from the CDC and USDA.

These resources and links provide information about avian influenza and biosecurity practices to prevent the spread of this and other diseases. Start here and review at your own pace. 

*All links open in a new window.

What is avian influenza? How is it different from other avian diseases?

Large collection of avian influenza resources from the Virginia Department of Agriculture 

Large collection of avian influenza resources from the CDC

Information about avian influenza and how humans can be infected from CDC

How can we develop biosecurity practices for our livestock?

USDA Resource for Backyard Poultry

Info about biosecurity on large farms- How can we adapt this for our needs?

CDC Resource for Backyard Poultry

Center for Food Security & Public Health Biosecurity Training 

Cleaning and Disinfecting Poultry Enclosures Checklist

How can we keep up with a changing viral environment and the latest in best practices?

Your state and local extension offices are a regional resource that may offer the latest region-specific information about diseases impacting your area and biosecurity.


They are often connected to federal agencies who update them about the latest disease concerns. 


Click below for a list of state extension offices. 

This is an example of some of the resources an extension office may offer. 


Click below for a list of publications from the Virginia Cooperative Extension.


Which publications related to poultry keeping may be useful to our learning? 

The CDC tracks global cases of avian influenza.


H5N1 Bird Flu: Current Situation Summary is their listing of the latest news. This link is packed with resources and information.


Which specific resources may be useful to our learning? 

The USDA also tracks cases of avian influenza and is involved in sampling bird populations.


Explore their Wild Bird Avian Influenza Surveillance site.


How might this be helpful in your developing understanding of avian influenza and biosecurity? 

Next Level Learning

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in the Agricultural Community

Click below for a bird migration tracker.

How might this be useful in our biosecurity practice and in further understanding avian influenza?

Sign up below to join our next discussion.

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