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  • Writer's pictureChristina Penton

Biosecurity Stations

Updated: Jun 28, 2023

How do you set up your sanitation cleaning stations and practices? (When responding to others, offer input about the strengths you notice in these practices and offer a suggestion, if applicable.)

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Christina Penton
Christina Penton
May 03, 2023

This has been a helpful guide for me from the USDA:!ut/p/z1/lZJLU4MwFIV_iwuWkBuoPNwBMpRaqtJiMRuHUl5jS5iQlqm_3rS6cKp9mE3mJt_JmXtPEEEJIk26rcuU17RJV6J-JfpboKouxgM89keWCc-uBrfRk69NsYHmB2D8OHCxMwWxew7YXmSEnheogDVE_qd_GepCP4tnExM7gaVep4cTy4br9GcAcv750SUDMUGVhW5YItKmvJLrpqAoWeZF3ixlXuVysaLZu9wyWrJ0LW54IbO8oxuW5d1xOUfk4DfBrg_m3s-7x2APreBhaOgAvvoNnAokugTsEzsCfkdyxVDKFV18_R-7WWim6J6JllnOlA0TxxXnbXcngQR93yvZMlNKupXgL76iHUfJDwy16ziOk4-xYwV1IJPFrrdvPgEkVdRx/?1dmy&urile=wcm%3apath%3a%2Faphis_content_library%2Fsa_our_focus%2Fsa_animal_health%2Fsa_animal_disease_information%2Favian%2Fdefend-the-flock-program%2Fdtf-biosecurity%2Fbiosecurity101

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